No serving with IJ i-Speed or IJ i-Speed Plus
MRC - Monthly Recurring Charge (monthly fee)
NRC - Non Recurring Charge (one time fee)
FTP - (File Transfer Protocol) Personal Web Space
* Dial-up access available within Internet Junction's service area. Dial-up account not included for Citrus and
Hernando counties.
** Installation usually requires a one-time fee of $100, unless otherwise stated. Free standard installation
includes installing a coaxial cable splitter (if required), running coaxial cable from the splitter or outlet to
the modem, installing the cable modem, connecting the cable modem to the PC (via USB, Ethernet, or NIC),
and establishing network connectivity. Note: Time Warner may charge for additional installation services. Time
Warner will provide actual prices and available services when they contact you to schedule your installation.