(Symantec) -- W32.Mydoom.AI@mm Mass Mailing Worm (11/09/04) W32.Mydoom.AI@mm is a mass-mailing worm which exploits the Microsoft Internet Explorer Malformed IFRAME Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. The worm also spreads by sending a mass-mailing to email addresses it finds in the Windows address book. Learn more about it here. Learn about ALL the latest threats here. And an article from CNN. (Symantec) -- W32.Netsky.V@mm Mass Mailing Worm (04/15/04) W32.Netsky.V@mm is a mass-mailing worm that sends itself to email addresses it gathers from certain files on the system. This variant does not send an attachment with its email messages, but instead sends a link to the compromised computer in its attempt to download and run the worm's executable. Learn more about it here. (IJC) -- IJ enews email with Subject: Old Photos (03/31/04) An email masquerading ijenews@ij.net as the sender, with the subject line: Old Photos is going around. DO NOT open it or any other emails with attachments from Internet Junction, unless instructed by our Support Team. These emails are not sent from us. They are masquerading to appear like they are sent from us. We also recommend keeping your virus definitions up to date and that a full system scan is run regularly (at least weekly). (Symantec) -- W32.Netsky.K@mm and W32.Netsky.D@mm Mass Mailing Worms (03/25/04) Read about them here and here, respectively. (CNET) -- New virus masquerades as a Microsoft patch for the MyDoom worm (03/08/04) Read about it here. (IJC) -- Bogus emails sent from Internet Junction Corp. (03/04/04) If you receive emails from our Support team, staff, or administrator that have an attachment, it is most likely NOT from us. The subject line could say "Warning about your e-mail account" or something else. Simply delete the email. (Symantec) -- W32.Beagle.E@mm mass-mailing worm (03/02/04) The worm primarily spreads through e-mail and will be independent of the victim's e-mail client. Read about it here. (CNN) -- New worm spreading through e-mail (03/01/04) LONDON, England (Reuters) -- A new computer worm dubbed "Netsky-D" was clogging e-mail systems around the world after emerging on Monday, a security expert said. Read about it here. Adware Spreads Quickly on AOL IM (02/12/04) A surreptitious program spreading Wednesday morning is turning AOL Instant Messenger users into advertising spammers. Read about it here and here. Tricky 'MyDoom' e-mail worm spreading quickly (01/26/04) (CNN) -- Hackers unleashed an agile worm Monday -- using a sneaky, fairly new tactic to get unsuspecting computer users to diffuse their malicious code. Read about it here and here. Click for the myDoom removal tool from Symantec. Virus writers mark 9/11 with new bugs Read about these two Internet infections -- "Neroma" and "Vote.K" -- that carry September 11 references here. Anti-Virus Resources McAfee AVERT Stinger Stinger is a stand-alone utility used to detect and remove specific viruses. It is not a substitute for full anti-virus protection, but rather a tool to assist administrators and users when dealing with an infected system. Please click here to visit Network Associates Site to download Stinger, and disinfect your system. Pandsoftware.com Pandasoftware has a FREE Online Scan that will scan, disinfect and eliminate viruses from all parts of your system, hard disks, compressed files and all your e-mail. It is updated at least once a day, so each scan will be able to detect even the latest viruses. (recommended) Housecall.Antivirus.com Housecall.Antivirus.com offers a FREE Online Scan where you can choose what you want scanned. HouseCall is a demonstration of the power of Web-based technologies that Trend Micro is developing to make deployment and management of virus protection fast and easy. |